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Popular Slang Word “Drip” Has A Totally Different Meaning In Korean & It’s Not What You Think

Do you know the popular Western slang word “drip”? In this article, we will tell you the meaning of “drip” in Korean.

In English, “drip”  is a word to describe someone’s style as fashionable, trendy, expensive, or attractive.

“Drip” is also a word commonly used in Korean online communities, but it does not mean the same thing.

“Drip” or “드립” (deulip) in Korean is a shortened version of “ad-lib” (“애드립”) and refers to unscripted lines, remarks or comments.

So, instead of being used to compliment someone’s fashion, “drip” is used to comment on someone’s sense of humor, wit, etc.

In other words, “drip” is used in reference to what someone has to say, which is usually spontaneous and improvised.

Wondering how you can use “drip” in a sentence? Let’s look at some examples!

When someone tells you a bad joke, you can say, “your drip is boring” informally.

드립 재미없어.

deulip jaemieopseo.

Alternatively, when someone has a witty remark, you can say, “you’re really good with drip!“.

드립 진짜 잘해!

deulip jjinjja jalhae!

Jang DoYeon‘s celebrity talk show “Salon Drip” on YouTube also uses “drip” with the same meaning.

The show is unscripted and features celebrity guests who have a spontaneous conversation with the host Jang DoYeon.

You can think of it as, “Salon Drip” = “Salon Talk”.

You can also add “drip” as a suffix to other words like “Salon Drip” does, to highlight the related topic of discussion.

For example, “funny drip”, “Gen Z drip”, “Cafe drip”, etc.

It is a word used in Korean online communities, especially among young people.

At times, it can also come off as sarcastic.

So, we would not advise you to use it in formal settings.

Want to learn more about the newest Korean slang and buzzwords? Stay tuned to Your Korea Tutor – Kpopmap for more fun lessons on how to be cool in Korean!

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