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Learn The Korean Word For Romance & Romanticism – 'Nangman'

Want to know how to say romance, romantic, or romanticism in Korean? You’ve come to the right place. In Korean, there is a beautiful word called “낭만” (nangman) for this. Let’s learn more about it. “Nangman” is a word to describe a sense of romance and romanticism. It encompasses ideals such as idealism, passion, and imagination. In various contexts, it can describe a romantic atmosphere, a romantic relationship, or an appreciation for beauty and sentimentality in art, literature, or life in general. “Nangman” often implies a heightened emotional sensibility or sensitivity to beauty, nature, and human emotions. It involves a deep appreciation for the subtle nuances of life and the ability to find beauty in ordinary moments. You may have heard this in K-Dramas before: 이 친구는 낭만이 없어요 (i chin-gu-neun nang-man-i eop-seo-yo), which means “this friend has no romanticism”. It means that the person being spoken about is not the emotional type or does not possess a sense of romance or romantic sensibility in their personality or actions. On the other hand, someone who is romantic or a situation that is romantic is called “낭만적인” (nangmanjeogin). What is the most “nangmanjeogin” K-Drama you’re watching these days? Tell us on X! To learn more beautiful Korean words, stay tuned to Your Korea Tutor – Kpopmap!

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