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Learn How To Describe Someone As A "Mood Maker" In Korean

Some idols are complete introverts who are amazingly charismatic on stage, yet are internally shy when the cameras turn off. To bring them out of their shell, sometimes a mood maker is needed for their electrifyingly good vibes and refreshing personality. This type of person is important to any group to keep everyone’s spirits positive and up in any situation. So how do you say “mood maker” in Korean? Let’s find out below! 분위기 메이커 bun-wi-gi mae-keo mood maker In essence, it takes the Korean word for ‘mood’/’atmosphere’ and combines it with the Konglish pronunciation of ‘maker’. When used together, they form “mood maker”. You can use it to describe the happy vitamin of your group who brings all the smiles and laughter. You can also see how to say it down below with TXT’s BeomGyu on “JaeFriends”.

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