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Bong JoonHo’s ‘Miki17’, A New Dimension of Sci-Fi Cinema Emerges

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The latest work of world-renowned director Bong JoonHo, ‘Miki17’, has finally been unveiled. On the 9th, the first trailer was released at CinemaCon in Las Vegas, heightening the anticipation of movie fans. This film is based on the novel ‘Miki7’, and the number 17 signifies the number of times the protagonist dies. Director Bong JoonHo drew laughter at the trailer release event by stating, “We killed off the protagonist ten more times in the film.”

‘Miki17’ portrays the story of Miki, a protagonist who, after dying while working on a spaceship, is replaced by a clone. Hollywood actor Robert Pattinson plays Miki, delivering a riveting performance as he is thrown into dangerous missions, including being dismembered by space debris and eaten by aliens. Throughout the process, some of Miki’s clones do not die, and multiple Mikis appear, among which the 17-year-old and 18-year-old Mikis have different personalities.

Robert Pattinson explained, “The two characters are genetically identical, but they have different traits. The 17-year-old Miki is tired of life but finds joy as a member of the team, whereas the 18-year-old Miki acts like an evil brother.” He also praised the script as one of the most fun and bizarre sci-fi scripts he has read in his life, revealing his affection for the project.

‘Miki17’ is scheduled to be released domestically on January 28, 2025. There is much anticipation for what fresh perspectives director Bong JoonHo’s new film will bring and how Robert Pattinson’s performance will unveil new facets. This special work is expected to open a new horizon in the science fiction genre, and it is certainly worth paying attention to upcoming updates.

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