He’s 43 years her senior.
Malaysian musician Halim Yazid made waves after revealing his new wife to the world.

In Malaysia, it is legal for Muslim men to have up to four wives. As such Halim Yazid is still married to his first wife, with whom he has eight children. During an interview with the Malaysian news portal mStar, he said his two wives had not yet met yet but were on good terms.

Halim Yazid married his second wife on November 8, 2022, and the two now have an eight-month-old daughter. Nurul Farhana Asyikin, is 21 years old, making her 43 years her husband’s junior. She is also, he says, a fan of his music. Although the two began their relationship via social media, they already had an offline connection.

How we got acquainted is unique. Before we met on social media, [Farhana] used to babysit my cousin’s child. My second wife is from Kelantan and is a fan of mine. Although she’s young, she’s familiar with my songs.
— Halim Yazid
You can read about another age-gap couple here:
Gorgeous Celebrity Couple Shocks With 22-Year Age Gap
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